canada hasn't had one medal in the olympics. phelps has 7 alone right now. no love
Kevins birthday was the same day as kontusics. They just celebrated different days. shittier for me.Will wwas there. Bought a big thing of wings. he didn't eat them all tho.
Kevin rolling a jail cig. Reiman later got laterd by security. It is awkwurd carrying a camera everywhere you go. same stupid looks i get. maybe its not the camera. most likely my posture.
I needed food. we end up going to 7.11. first time ever purchasing nachos. they fn ruined my stomach . not as bad as the unwashed cherries tho.
Milo kills it upside down. literally.
My new couch is in the window display.
Grant was killing it. reid bugged him about his shirt. reid buged me about my life.
reid redeemed himself lastnight. stole the tip jar out of slice of heaven and gave it to a bunch of bums. robin hood! aha i just thought about that. but still. i'd be pissed if i was cookin pizzas all day. waiting for that tip cash out. i tossed a finner in tho. great karma. love you