Saturday, November 1, 2008

kootch. varnivore

Working saturdays suck. but you gotta do what you gotta do. Halloween has been bunko this year. well fun but yeah.. I've been judging people tons lately. judged on there costumes or hairstyles. Im way off both.

this chick had some originality. i was creeping taking pics of decent costumes. 
This dj portrays somesort of trek/treky? my old boss was a treky. he honestly hung up pictures of spaceships. He also slept in his shed 3 days a week.
didn't get id'd for beer. fn serios.
i was stoked on this dude. i don't even know what it was. somesort of wolf? or something. a bearwolve!
this dude honestly didn't say a word. Picture it. He may have killed?
carkas danced all nite. well abit. or i did. phil swung his nuts around. 
cameron was killin it.
I honestly spit this out. examine it and use your imagination. if you got one!
nelsish was gramping. at this point he was saying "cant move your young knee's like this!"
officer and reta. real cuffs. joet almost cried.
dopest parrot. she's scared of me. still. 
happy halloween kids. love