So this weather is fu@ked. yesterday i froze for about 26 minutes outside at once. the chick was nuts. literally. i just received a text "i pooed the bed?" that maturity level sky rocketed. oh. and coffee decided to put up a post on my page of what i am. i have 9 worst breath votes at this moment,. shits gonna hit the fan if i don't get a handsome vote. i even got a jungle tits. you have 1 day. i don't even know how i got labeled with the worst breath. thats just super bad karma for the inventor of that. like. that breath is gonna smell like hot garbage on a steaming friday night. but.. at least i got cream flipping. kids gon get get scared when day see dis yaa mean.
perkins showdown. from streetsmokes on Vimeo.
And i smashed my elbows and hip up yesterday. but at least i got 4. love