kids make the world go round. avery is 2. first time in my life i have seen a pinyata in action. no lie. they are pretty serious!. hard to smash. those strings are supposed to be pulled one at a time. then one of them is a secret hatch. sounds dope to me to.
no one look! but claire!mya took a swing at it. i think she hit herself in the head one swing. to good
so i had mya grabbing all the loot. she was stoked to load me up with candy
my shirt stinks. you know when you have a bunch of wet tshirts out of the wash., and you let them sit for like a day or two, then hang them up. and that smell. i cant smell anything else.
finally this gift got open. like 100 pieces of fake food. i got stuffed off of it. and at this jjob lastnight. this dude was talking to me. i couldn't understand anything he was saying, i was trying to give a demo and he's like asking tons of questions. all in which i replied yeah man. i felt bad. i need to learn new languages apparently.
jump in the crowd
did you hear about the pirate with the stomach problem?
he was suffering from DiaRhRREEEA. love