back from honggouver. no phone. bucked window. bought boxers on the way and found out when i got home they were size xl. so now im rolling gangster underneath my pants aswell.
a couple weekends ago we went to kamloops. 6 am was the earliest we had woken up all winter. pancakes are key.
british columbia is beautiful.literally. l-r assembly .clay. trevan. brent. philip. keegan my car hates this road. new truck with all the essentials. gorgen took the rains. debated if wild horses actually exist. farmed horse. stopped in meager creek and stopped by this rail. those guys had already hit it awhile ago. easy set up. ended up spending the afternoon here. banger? fb. stayed at the knight inn. Our hotel doubled as a apartment. kids were screaming in the halls at one point. Also a long conversation with the owner. She moved there from van because school was better for her kids. first time using a bungee. it does take teamwork. went on a mission to boston pizza. ended up staying there till close which we didn't want to happen. Some homeless dude got tossed through a window across the street. im still trying to find the video from it. that may be next.
at the last spot we went we met a random. i wanna say homeless but you could call him a excrackhead/alcoholic. I haven't seen someone so amazed at what was going on. I have to start editing.
pick up random or unknown numbers. its gonna be me.
2pm. still asleep. call shawna back. phil made his first spaceboard edit. one run each. 2 gb memory card.
vancouver for a day.. everytime i go i take so many pictures because I am so fascinated by the city itself. slowly i realize i hate traffic more and more. most do. chest hair count is at 6. search for sushi in the gps. at least 10 locations withing 3km. clean cups. full for a hour. spent more money than wanted. we got the kill now tho. slow cooker. rice cooker. I like to think one day I may be a good cook. I wanted to film a time lapse video of us walking around in the mall. I eventually forgot it was recording. then my arm became sore. I wanted to add some song to it to make it more interesting. the song being common-be was the exact same length as the video. it works out perfect because i have always wanted to use that song for an edit of some sort. I made it black and white to add the seizure effect for your eyes. peace and love.
The new year has arrived. I left on somewhat of short notice. If i didn't say bye your one of many. or not. anyway i am back in bc. most people won't care but for whoever still checks this blog you may.
I am starting to use my camera again. this blog will slowly start to come back. maybe im just kidding.
burg doctor.
stand proud before your bbq.
Merry 2 week old christmas and a happy new year. i geuss we'll just have to adjust. love