Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh canada?

I've been busy all weekend? seriously. Last week I had some beers at the Reid residence. Asshole is quite the game. 
We got these 5 years ago at durty grand beach. Kevin's used it for his only key (house) since then. 
I like the backround finger in this. People avoid me because of pictures.. 
Reid's grandma's house is up for sale. I remember getting junior's fatboys and heading there with a 12. of jolt that is? 
Happy fingers. and the infamous rob d. no lawsuits..
Nicest lady. Don't buy the house tho. 
Mega came to my niece's bday party. She read some fitness mag on the way there. And Teen Wolf is on. channel 22.
Abby's 3rd birthdate.  She later cried due to water inhalation. 
I got some sweet nieces! kyla was the first. Now im a uncle 5 times. love
Everyone was chilling. Jay tried fixing my air conditioning. it blew up all over.
Mega swings pretty good. She lets me take pictures.
My sister's house in lundar. I'm in a huge tree fort thing. it had a telescope.
I haven't swung on swings for quite a while. it was a doozy.
I always enjoi the part where they blow out the candles.  I think we sang happy birthday twice. 
Abby is 3. Merry bday.
Jay's quite the host. Mya was covered with sucker then had a bath. my car is in the backround. not to brag.
Serious wheelies. tought light.
Last shot of the night. Thanks for the hospitality beaman family.     On another note, Canada day is tomorow. I went to the beach yesterday and today. I'm burnt to a crisp. Tomorrow is cliff jumping? stay tuned for more updates. literally. Long weekends are hard for blog updates. love ben

Friday, June 27, 2008


A reason I like my name is,   you know when you play a arcade and sometimes they ask you for your anitials? well for all the regular people they're like thinking of there middle name and trying to figure it out. But , i just type ben. or even jam. 
happy fingers! and a sweet duee haw.
I called up mister williamson. We took it back 6 years, and skated the pads and stairs.
Steven and I tried getting a ollie north.  And i was stoked jorg and steve came. to tyndall
aha mega eats cereal out of sissy cups. First time ive ever seen something like that.
Double proper manner nose grab. You know how you gotta stand at a event or like a wedding etc. This is how your supposed to cross them but like over your lap. Serios.
So good. He skinned his flanges getting this. my timing is way off
I've tooken a pee in that back corner before. And if you can see that beam above that crosses roof things? way back a twin named andy cruzed over that. and we used to play pelt on these steps. you had to hold the door handles and bend over. and that concrete line was the throwing line. but there never was such a thing.
head and shoulders nose and tose! grab
Jeff rolled up! sick bike. tons of mosquitos tho.
honestly thats a mini squid. i don't think id ever eat the head part.
I come across so much graffiti while im at work. karen loves jon. sheena banged ronnie. etc. this dude had good colour tho. 
dudes have it pretty easy. when in rome
I got my neon cast off. I went to this place at 800 sherbrook today. it reminded me of that movie the fugitive. when theres that part where they're making bionic arms and stuff. way off topic. but this arm can breath now. best part about it. WATERPROOF.
carney tan, hairy, peeling skin, and smell. Love Ben!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day off but kinda work.

This thing shoots mud shit. I enjoy truck rides now. 
Reginald sporting his new specs.
I Seriosly think i'm a natural hunter because of this game!
except for where you can't shoot the baby things your hunting. 
I notice alot of ender nighters I play video games? I beat Kman twice in Tiger woods. 
It must sound like I brag alot? 
So I woke up this morning to this princess coming down the stairs.
Im not sure the pose she has going here. It may be one of her monsters?
And this baby was stoked to play peekaboo. 
Very pointless amount. Send help.

Today i had the day off. Pretty much! Our morning appointment was cancelled. So We went to work for 6. We wur done by 6:45. And I almost died from heat. I find it funny that people who complain about the heat, are the ones in the winter craving it. There will be a High of 26c tomorrow. With clouds appearing in the afternoon. love ben

Monday, June 23, 2008

Stay tuned. literally.

I know someone who ate this for 40 bux. 

I watched Aminity Ville Horror last night. if thats how you spell it. I meant
 to rent the new one but ended up with the 1980's version?
 I got to say that movie isn't what i expected it to be. It was better. Whoever did that soundtrack is a genius. 
I think i miss old horror movies due to the fact of there soundtracks. But its like opera slash instrumental organ. ? Im lost now. But it was supposed to rain today. Not a chance.  Im now doing movie reviews.  jam

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Grill. then chill.

I took this a couple days ago when those storms were rolling in. 
Arnold is super tough. True lies?
I went to the bomber game. I didn't see one play of the game. Who won even? But he story behind this chick is, if you can see she's smokin a cig.  If you look closer she has a hole in her throat. Addiction?
He's back. Full Force. Not 6 feet tall tho.
Aha jay called me the morning after this night at 9am. Said he was awake and ready to goto work. He also said he'd call me back. I wake up at 10.30 call him and no answer. I go back to bed then he calls me. I suck at storys. but working hungover sucks to.
chapter.1285. serios biking.
JAM-RAM-SHAZAM. My new alias.
The sarna kids kill this miniramp. 
Josh kills it.
Steve with a lofty front 1. Followed by beer chug.
I was never affraid of moths. But this one was like a bird. Seroisly. look at it
Brent was hanging. I still have his ipod cord. 
Aha brent rolled up with this thing. picture someone flying on the highway with this sucker. I am willing to buy one. 
Phil's party. Anica's cart thing. It had subwoofers and speakers.
Ryan got accused of being a bloods gang member. shit went off
A.J. and T.F. 
Nealon and i have a photoshoot usually whenever we see eachother. He also gave me a beer. I don't think that was worded right?
Qauck. Quack? the mighty ducks cheer.
Aha throughout the night. I overheard poeple complaining about there shoes being muddy. Aha well my friend mr.jamie nero landed himself in quite the doozey. He was pissed. with reason
Bottle caps or something? whatever these are called. I learnt the proper way to shoot them. You can't hold the stick tightly.
Prom. or Grad?

Serios beers. I thought my camera was broken after this photo. Jonzed all night. It was my battery tho.
Ham-n-eggs grill. Good friend Reginalds dad restraunt. I used to skip first class in grade 10 to go eat here. When i think about it sleeping in would of made more sense. But the food is kill. Al is kill. and he's got red rooster sauce. Princess and logan.
i thought he was gonna jump over. I wish i would of teased him more. Look at those paws.